Hi, I'm Nitin Dwivedi

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Sofware & Electrical Engineer
App Dev,Web Dev,Learner,Reader

I am passionate about software field and my short term goal is to get a cool company.

More about me-:

I build new projects just to tickle my brain and love teaching others how they're made.

I keep making different projects which help me grow as coder and I am very open to learning new things.


Building different projects and currently working on Problem Solving Skills. My Resume

  • C++
  • Java
  • Data Structures
  • Android Development
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Leading Team
  • Tutoring
  • Voice Controlled Car(E Workshop)
  • Interests

  • Cricket,Badminton
  • Reading 40 pages every day
  • Social Awareness

Education Qualification-:

Currently Persuing my Second year BTech Degree from MITS Gwalior

I have completed my HSC from Carmel Convent Sr. Sec. School, Amlai
and my SSC from Kendriya Vidyalaya SECL Dhanpuri

Been a School Captain in both my amazing Institutions

Looking forward to work with teams for any good project.


Get In Touch

Thank You for visiting my web planet. Have a great day.